

Category: Product ID: 810


Beef liver. Big chance it is not on your plate too often. It probably was on your granny’s menu regularly.  Unfortunately liver has gotten a bad rap. True, not everybody likes the taste, and even people who like it often shy away from it because of its high cholesterol content. If you are well informed though, you know that dietary cholesterol is no problem. Most cholesterol is produced by your own body anyway. Ban cholesterol from your diet, and your body will simply produce more of it. It does this, because cholesterol is essential for your health. In fact, science shows that people with a higher cholesterol live the longestNot only is liver safe to eat,  it is actually one of, if not the, most nutrient dense foods on the planet. No veggie comes close to it. The following chart I took from the great nutrition resource The data is actually based on a rather small 81 grams slice of pan fried beef liver. Personally I eat a 250 gram portion of beef liver with onions about once a week. This means I can multiply the values by about three.